Last updated on 27 June 2024


27 June 2024 :  AGM(BW-HR) BSNL CO has called for willingness from JTO(C) / SDE(C) for deployment on tour in Leh region for 4G Saturation Poject.

Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


26 June 2024 :  MH Circle issued Transfer & Posting of 3 Executives in the the AGM(T) Cadre.

Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


25 June 2024 :  Pers II Section BSNL CO issued Retention / Cancellation / Modification orders for Inter-Circle Transfer of SDE(T).

Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


25 June 2024 :  Pers II Section BSNL CO issued instructions for relieving of SDEs under Inter-Circle transfer orders.

Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


25 June 2024 :  Pers I Section BSNL CO issued instructions for relieving of AGMs under Inter-Circle transferorders.

Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


25 June 2024 :  Pers I Section BSNL CO issued retention & modification orders for AGM /DE (T). Click here for orders. Letter<<<>>>


25 June 2024 :  Pers I Section BSNL CO issued clarification regarding posting of AGM(T).

Click here for letter. Letter<<<>>>


24 June 2024 : 




Team SNEA MH Circle welcomes New CGMT MH Circle Shri Harinder Kumar ji.


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